1.) Who are you and where do you live?
My name is Georg Wachberg and i live in Vienna.
2.) What did you do before you decided to become an artist?
I always felt the art bug within me. i still have what is called a day job, where i do graphic design.
3.) When and why did you decide you devote to the art?
Doesn’t feel like a “decision”. i just can’t help it.
4.) What is your favoriteSubject (s) and design media?
My topic is the human face and i love painting on found material, like cardboard boxes.
5.) Where or how to find inspiration?
My inspiration is in the faces i see. Can be overwhelming at times, since there are so many.
6.) What do you like about your work?
The intensity.
7.) Which artist or art movement that has influenced you and what way?
Dozens of influences from davinci to beuys. Rothko impresses as of recent.
8.) What are the best answers that you have received for your work?
The best thing is when people with taste for art spend more time in front of a picture than you need when you just “look”.
9.) What are your favorite art and artists?
Burlington carton by Davinci.
10.) What advice would you give to other artists?
Dig as deep as you can into yourself.
11.) Is there a question which do you imagine itself again and again?
WEBSITE: www.wachberg.at
MAIL: wachberg@gmail.com
Exclusive Interview by PAINTERSPOT ® – ART-LIGHTS – All work is copyright and protected by ©™ Georg Wachberg